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Investment banking

We offer our clients access to the major capital markets in the United States, Europe and Asia

Capital Markets

Claris can raise debt and equity capital for corporations and governments through structured transactions that take advantage of Claris’s strength in financial design.

This business is primarily focused on institutional private placements funded in the United States, Europe and Asia. Through its excellent relationships within the financial industry, Claris can also fund transactions suitable for public distribution or bank syndication by recruiting large financial institutions to act as its distributing arm.

Structured Financing

We have considerable expertise in structured financing and complex capital raising using collateralized structures and other credit enhancement techniques.

Challenges needing solutions in this area include the non-performing loan sector of the recent world banking crisis and the need for privatization in the government asset field. A Claris structured transaction may include features such as secured loans, third party credit support, swaps and risk defeasance techniques.

Project Financing

Our project financing advisory services include the design of optimal project financing structures, and the arrangement of senior debt financing, as well as identifying and attracting providers of equity and mezzanine capital.

The capital markets for direct borrowing by governments and corporations to cover the cost of building huge public and private projects are rapidly diminishing. The solution to this problem can be project financing.

To our global clients

We serve as a trusted advisor